Mysteries of Croatia that will remain unsolved:
Why Croatians are all slim but they sit around cafes all day and night eating and drinking, in addition they do not exercise?
Why only 1 building in Dubrovnik is orange and yellow, while all the others have to confirm to strict laws; white buildings, green shutters, no signs, and orange tile roofs?
Why there is a bin of fresh ginger at the supermarket, yet no dishes seem to be made with ginger?
Why the peanut butter is always in the cooler at the grocery store, but the milk is always on the shelf?
Why the Croatian bank does not print lots of smaller bills, so that the clerks do not scowl, every time you hand them a 200 kuna note?
Why all the politicians on the billboards are bald, but I never see a Croatian man that is bald?
Croatia taught me I can live without the following:
Twist ties, rubber bands, and paper clips.
My own car.
Walmart, Target, and K-mart.
Big cups of coffee, fast food, Styrofoam containers, plastic ware, paper ware.
Fruits and vegetables not in season.
Divided highways, 4 lane highways, any road you can drive more thatn 40mph.
What I learned in Croatia:
How to gut a fish, and cook it Croatian style.
That grilled squid is really good.
How to sit in a cafe and make a tiny cup of coffee last 2 hours.
How to drink Grappa (home-made brandy), even when it is offered at 11am.